A Clean Energy Project Proposed for Hanover County

$10 Million
Direct Revenue Generated
900+ Acres
Preserved Open Space
Virginia Homes Powered

Clean Energy for Virginians

North Anna Solar is a proposed 72 MW solar project, capable of powering approximately 16,500 Virginia homes. North Anna is located on privately owned property located north of Beaverdam, VA in Hanover County. Approximately 22 percent of the project will be occupied by solar panels. Fifty-five percent of the project will be conserved as either undisturbed, open space or wildlife corridors. The remaining twenty three percent of the project will be occupied fencing, access roads, planted buffers, stormwater features, and the substation or other equipment.

North Anna Solar offers a unique economic development opportunity that can generate at least $10 million in direct revenue and $2.9 million in indirect revenue to Hanover County over the life of the project while retaining the rural character.

The Project will provide direct contributions to the local economy by providing jobs and utilizing local services, trades, supplies, and commodities.


Community Engagement

We have been engaging with and welcome opportunities to continue to engage with all stakeholders including community members, property owners, Chamber of Commerce members, adjacent neighbors, Planning Commission members and Board of Supervisor members. Please reach out to us with any questions or comments, we welcome your thoughts and thank you in advance for your time.

Benefits for Everyone

Tax revenue, construction spending, and community partnerships all stem from local energy produced in Hanover County.

Growing the Community
  • $12 million: Associated labor income during the estimated 18–24-month construction period, creating approximately 65 green jobs for North Anna Solar
  • $40 million: Economic output/activity to the County during the construction period
  • Approximately $10 million: Annual revenue projected from machinery and tools taxes over the Project’s lifespan
  • Additional economic inflows to the community through utilization of local services, supplies, trades, and commodities
  • Expected increase in real estate tax revenue payments to the County: Approximately $900,000
Clean Energy Benefits
  • Clean energy for 16,500 homes for the next 35 years.
  • Millions of dollars generated for the County in tax revenue.
  • Assistance in the deployment of Broadband or other County investments.

Learn More About North Anna River Solar

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About Us and Our Community

North Anna River Solar is a wholly owned subsidiary of Strata Clean Energy, LLC. Strata is a family-owned company that was founded in 2008. Strata has extensive solar experience from site planning to construction to operations. We work to maximize local benefits and preserve local communities while creating safe and reliable electricity, local jobs, and a sustainable revenue source for the County.  Strata is around to play the long game and our personal investment, responsible stewardship, local community involvement, and safety are extremely important.